Saturday, July 21, 2012

I Want Things

Guys. GUYS. Guys. Seriously. I want everything. I'm gonna write a little about some things I want. Because I'm a consumer whore of a capitalist pig, but also because some things are just awesome.

Thing I Want Number One : A Triumph Motorcycle

The Triumph Bonneville is a beautiful machine. Especially the T100 model. Classic look with modern engineering, it's a racing bike for a real man. Or woman, I'm not going to deny anyone the majesty of this bike. I first discovered the Triumph thanks to Metal Gear Solid 3 (possibly the strongest entry in that series, but that's a different story). In the game, one of the supporting characters drives a Triumph motorcycle with a sidecar. I'm not positive, but I think she drove a Bonneville, and the game was set in the sixties so that makes sense. Anyway, not only was it awesome, but it was an epiphany for me. No longer did I think that the Kawasaki Ninja was the coolest motorcycle. Those were toys for kids who wanted to look fast and sleek. No, the true epitome of motorcycle coolness was a Triumph. These are not to be confused with Harleys, either. The Harley Davidson, while it has a certain amount of American appeal, is not my kind of bike. If I'm to have one, it's going to be a Triumph, and it's going to be awesome.
Thing I Want Number Two: A dog
Dogs are the best. No one can deny this. Loyal, lovable, cuddly, and kind, dogs are the perfect pet. They're more than pets, even. Dogs are companions. Dogs are friends. At the moment I'm in love with Boxers. While I've never had one of my own, the few I've played with have been sweet and playful. And they use their front paws like hands! So cute. Also, everything I know about them makes them seem more like mischievous little pals than simple pets. I can't help but want one, despite the impracticality of having a dog of any kind in my current living situation. So while I know it's currently a pipe dream (and probably will be one until I'm making millions, at least while I'm living in the city) it's a very nice one.
Thing I Want Number Three: An Acoustic Bass
This one's a little different than the others, because while the one I've linked to is far out of my price range, there are models for under $200 and that's affordable if I save up (and get a day job *fingers crossed*). While I have an electric bass, I'm currently without an amp other than my laptop, and the set-up to make that work is a bit complicated. I mostly want an acoustic bass because it would be easier to practice with, but it would also mean I could take it out into the world and play. Some of them also have a great sound to them, and as much as I love the big boomy vibration of a great electric bass with a good amp, there's something to be said about acoustic. I have an electric guitar (though it isn't currently in my possession) and I enjoyed messing around with it, but I never gave it the time I should have. I mostly just miss playing music, and without a band to back me up I guess I don't do it consistently? But I should. And I will. And perhaps when I do, if I have the money, I'll reward myself with an acoustic bass!

Aaaaand... That's it for now. Three things I want, in ascending order of likelihood of me getting them any time soon. Maybe I'll do this again some time. More likely I won't. But who knows!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

The Triumphant Return

The other day I was wondering why I even bother trying to write a blog. I've been neglecting my writing wholesale lately, especially after the move to New York (Oh yeah, I'm living in Queens now. It's awesome.) and it seemed strange to me that the thing I've been coming back to over and over is this blog. I tried and failed four times since I got here to write out a blog post, but it's been little more than a crappy status update each time, nothing that anyone who isn't my friend on facebook would give two halves of nothing about. That's not to say that I'm writing for an audience, or that I need what I write to be read to feel that it's valid, but heck if it doesn't help. Anyway, I kept thinking basically the same thing: Does anyone even read blogs anymore? Was that all just a flash in the pan? Then I realized, no. People still read blogs. Tumblr is basically the biggest thing around right now, even though most people don't put more effort into a post than hitting a little button that says "Reblog" and little more effort into reading them than watching some flashing text on a .gif of their favorite characters in some TV show. The internet has made it so that we never have to see anything new but can still get inundated with content that is tailored to our whims. We know this. It's been pointed out. But today I realized, I read a lot of blogs. I actually love blogs and had no idea. I read one about teen pop (Sean Rose's masterful Digital Get Down), one from my favorite comicker (Aaron Diaz's Dresden Codak tumblr), and I check out most days. So why the heck can't I figure out what I want to write about? I've got things to say, dangit! That's when it hit me that I never know what to write about because this whole blog set-up that I have going is too general. So this is essentially a post to say, I need something consistent to write about, and I'm not much for journals. I'll probably still do little update-type-things now and then here, and this will remain as my personal blog, but there's going to be something new in the works soon and when it hits it will have a topic, dangit. What will that topic be? Who knows. Maybe robots! Maybe adventures! Maybe robot adventures, or even something unrelated to adventures or even robots! I don't know yet, is what I'm saying. But I do like adventures and robots. Also, quick question for the comments: Does it help to have images interspersed within the blog? My gut tells me yes, but my heart tells me "yeah, but you don't want to put them so unless everybody says to put them or it's relevant just forget about it" and my brain tells me "Yeah, dude, every good blog has at least an image or two when it's relevant, but you probably don't need it" so I'm mixed up. Done rambling now.