Monday, November 19, 2012

11/19 : In Which I Cannot Sleep, Again

Why is there a Portland on the northern bit of both coasts? I guess etymologically it makes a little sense, what with it being the "land of ports," but there's a Portland, Oregon and a Portland, Maine. Both are very northern states. Is there a Portland, Georgia? A Portland, California?

I just looked it up. Thanks internet. According to Wikipedia there are only three Portlands anywhere, and two are the American ones I've just mentioned. What is it about the name of this city - these cities - that lends itself to northern climes?

Furthermore, Portland, OR isn't even coastal. It's close, but it's not exactly oceanfront. Portland, ME is, though. Right on the coast. And I guess if the Oregon one's city limits are wide it probably has some waterfront real estate, too. I'm in a weird mood.

My insomnia is getting worse. Lately I've been staying up (by lately I pretty much mean this week) to keep my lady-friend internet-company while she works on her homework, because it sucks to just be working all the time with no connection to the outside world. She has a killer work ethic. ANYWAY, whether as a side-effect or a coincidence, my insomnia has returned. Tonight, for some reason, is the first on which it occurred to me that I should write up a blog post.

I guess the other night I tweeted a lot, and that's technically a "micro-blog" format, so maybe that half-counts, but I did it on my non-Jesse account so nobody who reads this would know what I was saying and none of it was really relevant stuff anyway.

Should I do some "journal" stuff here? I guess I've been working a little lately, though as usual it's not as much as I'd like. My most recent gig was on a show called Zero Hour which was described to me as, and I quote, "Like The Da Vinci Code, but with Nazis," and it was a decent shoot. I thought I'd be working the Scorcese/ Di Caprio/ McCaughnehey (no CLUE if I spelled a single one of those right) picture The Wolf of Wall Street last week, but I wasn't picked for the scene. There's still a good chance I'll work the movie this month, though, and I'm working with John on Tuesday on... something. I wrote it in my journal. It's a show I haven't worked yet. It should be fun. It will likely be our first time actually both doing background for the same gig, so I'm looking forward to it.

John and I were supposed to work together on a shoot this summer for My Man Is A Loser, but he got upgraded on set to a stand-in position so we were separated. This Tuesday will sort of be a milestone. We've worked a lot of the same shows but never on the same day, as is the nature of the business. Not being in the Union (SAG-AFTRA), I can only be called in for certain shoots. Still two waivers away from getting that card.

This got long and rambly. Ummmmmm... I'm suddenly feeling self-conscious, because admittedly this is the most writing I've done in a while. I've been spending too much time on video games lately, but Skyrim is freakin' addictive. Tomorrow, I am promising myself that I will not pick up my PS3 controller for three days. I have decided this. I'm going to write, hang with John, and work. No Netflix, either. Pandora will be my one allowance, unless a new Adventure Time episode comes out. Which is shouldn't...

Woo! Five-in-the-morning blog rambles. Signing off!