Sunday, October 28, 2012

10/28/12 : In Which I Prepare For A Hurricane

First and foremost let me say I'm not scared of Sandy. That said, half of Long Island is evacuating. I'm not in the evac zone up here in Queens, so in theory we're looking pretty steady. That's the theory I'd like to hold to, so here's hoping it's nice and valid.

In other news I just got back from the gym for the first time in far too long and my arms and chest and shoulders are mightily protesting that fact. I've learned I have a new motivating figure. Before I get into that, I'll explain a small thing. I don't like to go to the gym, and the only way I can motivate myself to get through a workout when I do go is to have a goal in mind. For most of the summer, that goal was Andrew Garfield in The Amazing Spider-Man. Today, that changed to Game of Thrones's Jon Snow. Pictures included for reference.

I'm not entirely sure why my mental goal has beefed up so much, but it seems to have gone from a still-kind-of-scrawny but well-defined geek to a rather buff rough-and-tumble swordsman. I'm pretty okay with this. I think part of that is because I'm still really skinny but so are a lot of images of Spider-Man. That might have started to not be enough, though, so I needed something a bit manlier.

Anyway, that's my random updatelet. There will be more of these as time goes by but it's time to go now. Headed to Target to get a few last minute supplies. Bye-o!

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