Friday, July 17, 2009

July 17, 2009; In which I blather on for a while about various things

Date: Friday, July 17, 2009
Time: 10:07 PM
Location: My family room computer
Listening to: My Pandora radio stations/ Quick Mix
Mood: Wistful

I just got my ass whooped by my father in a game of Risk, and I had a great time. See, it's been so long since I sat down and played a board game that I forgot how fun it is, not just playing the game, but actually sitting around a table with a few fun people and laughing, smiling, scowling, cursing, and shouting about whatever happens to be happening. It truly is an amazing thing. I will have to take some board games back to school when I go.

My brother has a couple friends over at the moment and they're playing Mario Kart. That's pretty much my favorite game on the Wii right now. It's actually fun. Continuing on the video game track, I'm kind of a PlayStation fanboy. I can recognize the various merits of the other systems, but when it comes right down to my own opinion on gaming I think the Triple is the best system on the market.

I love making paper airplanes. Most of them don't fly, though. I mostly make them to see what wacky designs I can come up with, just because I enjoy crafting and creating. It's a simple and quick little project that I can whip out at any time.

I believe they're shouting about Kenyans on the floor below me. I am mildly amused.

Warranties are great. I recently ripped the cord out of a pair of expensive headphones and got them replaced, along with a new warranty. I am headphone-prtected for the next two years and that's awesome.

Honestly, I have nothing of any importance to say. When I started this I couldn't decide if it would be a journal or just a place for me to post little essays, journals, sweet nothings...

I wish I was a superhero. I think I'll write a whole post on superheroes soon.

I have plans for this thing, I really do... Right now I'm just getting myself into the habit of blogging every night. Don't worry, meaningful content will probably start up next week. As for this weekend, I'll be playing a gig tomorrow night and possibly on a boat on Sunday, so expect early entries.

That's all I've got. I'm gonna go and play Mario Kart with some kids two to four years my juniors and have an absolutely silly time of it. Don't judge!


  1. That's how I feel every time I play Apples to Apples. I'm all "Damn, this is fun stuff. Why don't I do it more often?"

  2. Sounds like you're prepping for Gen-Con...
