Sunday, August 23, 2009

August 23, 2009; In which I distract myself

I can't figure out what it is about today. Or, rather, there's so much contributing to today that I can't derive the main factors involved. Ingrid Michaelson is on my Pandora station singing about giving up, I'm looking at a dull grey sky that threatens to shower us yet again with cold drizzling rain, I'm unexpectedly out of work, I have about a dozens things that need to be done before tomorrow, my 20th birthday is in a couple days, and the work I put in yesterday had no discernable affect. So here I am, looking on bright sides and keeping my chin up. But my eyes are tired and my neck is cramping, so I'm moving on to the most reliable thing I've got: Escapism.

And yet I can't do it. So here's this emo blog post, whining about how I'm so boohoo right now and can't take my mind off of these temporary setbacks. But, in a way, I think I should be allowed a little time to dwell on things. I've always tried to be eternally optimistic, but I'm realising that I have little to no connection to my "negative" emotions. I don't get angry often, and when I do it's almost always vicariously through a character. I rarely allow myself to feel sad, so I end up in this weird funk of ennui for a day at a time instead of an hour or two of good, cathartic sadness. I carry a lot of tension in my neck and shoulders but I don't notice it until I get feeling like this, because that's when more tension is added.

I can't wait for classes to start.


  1. Change your music. That always works for me...

    And, as part of the audience who reads you, it's good to know that I'm not only in the occasional funk...

    Classes tomorrow, right?

  2. DUDE! Come over here, I'll give you a backrub (but not a hard one 'cause you're a sissy) and watch some Kids in the Hall! It'll be a rockin' time!
