Thursday, August 27, 2009

August 27, 2009; In which I talk about 3-D

It seems lately that there's a trend in movies where everything is moving to yet another "D." HD is passe now, it seems, and we're venturing into the brave new realm of 3-D! Amazing! The picture pops right off the screen! It's like the future!

Or... like 1995. Seriously. I haven't been around all that long, but I remember when a lot of the kids' movies were doing the whole "Now in 3-D!" thing. I remember walking into a theater and putting on the paper glasses with the red and blue celophane lenses and being amazed at how the things seemed to come right at me. It was simply astounding. Now, though, the trick seems a bit dry. Granted, I have not seen any of this new wave of 3-D movies, so I'm not sure if it's still as grainy and weirdly done as the old ones are. With the new digital projectors the picture is crisper, everything seems to look better than real life. But how good can it be?

Mmm...... I don't think I have much more to say about it. Maybe I'll have more of an opinion when I actually see what's going on with that. Yup.

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